Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2/17/01 Saturday

HSS, most of this journal entry is kinda dumb, but there's this one part that makes you sound like a real nutjob:

I did watch a relatively interesting movie called "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not" with Claire Danes which was weird.. she read this poem in front of her class about how she was in love with this guy and he didn't love her back, but then he KNEW it was about him, and I started thinking about Jasper again...aaagh! He has all the symptoms of being in love with me but AAGH! I KNOW he doesn't have disease!

Wait.. seriously? Seriously, HSS? He doesn't "have the disease?" He has the symptoms, but not the DISEASE?? I know I'm being repetitive here, but I just don't understand. You're nuts. No, seriously. Jasper has a file saved IN THE SAME PLACE YOU DID, OMG! (By the way, OMG means "Oh My God." I don't know if that existed yet in 2001.)

Anyways, I don't know Jasper didn't punch you in the face some time.

2/16/01 Friday 11:27 p.m.

Wait a second HSS.. almost 11:30 pm??? Go to bed! Anyways. What were you saying?

Today was pretty cool..before school I got a bunch of emails from people, yay, and--

Sorry to cut you off HSS, but you have no idea how many emails you will get in the future, and it will SO not be worth mentioning in your journal.

--1st hour we watched that movie again and Rusty only called me trumposa once, haha. 2nd hour was me and Kimmy screwing around.. 3rd hour, 4th hour, 5th hour was my main "excitement" was talking to Simon all hour. I asked him what kind of music he liked and apparently he LOVES the Smashing Pumpkins, which surprised me.

Wow, HSS, that is both exciting AND surprising!

I had him list his CDs and it was NIN, RHCP, etc. and I told him 'that was like me in 8th grade' and he said 'that was EVERYONE in 8th grade.' But I just kept STARING at him, I don't know why I've been so attracted to him since I danced with him, but his lips, his eyes, .. he's so cute. This is HORRIBLE.

Yeah, HSS, sorry, but it IS horrible. First of all, I don't remember you liking this guy at all, so this whole entry creeps me out, and secondly, he was like half your size, and also 3 years younger than you -- which is practically two decades in high school years! No wonder he thought you were so weird and didn't want to talk to you! NO WONDER!

I went to photography and talked to Amy, which was cool, and then I came back to school and printed out -- well, I didn't even mention that before school I went to save my file and it was odd b/c on the list of files, right at the top, was "Jasper Brown." And THEN my name was on it, and I didn't remember saving a file there, and it was BLANK! But yeah, I printed it out!

Waitwaitwait.. you printed out a blank file?? I don't understand. The only thing I understand about this is that because you went to save a file, and Jasper had also saved a file, this was also more proof that Jasper and you were meant to be together. Which is, just so you know, THE MOST INSANE THING EVER. So I can see why you felt it needed mentioning out of order in your journal.

Anyway, at about 7 I went out with K & P to K-mart & Taco Bell, but mostly just cruising, which other than the scary parts and pulling into strange driveways, was a lot of fun! But we saw the crazy bubble house, went up A's driveway.. actually I feel bad for creeping people out actually.

Yeah, and you're not a stalker. I get it.

But yeah, overall it was pretty fun, and hopefully tomorrow I'll get to go the hockey game!