Saturday, July 25, 2009

8/24/98 Monday

DAH! I can't do laundry, no quarters. Damn.

Today was the first day of sophomore year. As always, a very different experience. A rundown:
1st hour: Chemistry. (High school self, you listed a bunch of names here, and at the beginning of each class, some of whom you don't even remember, so for each hour, we will leave them out unless it's important), preppies. BLAGH Abraham. Dave sits behind me, one of these days we will have to get a convo going about the Verve Pipe or something. We're allowed to drink pop! But I got worried when he said that Biology was pretty straight forward and that this stuff would be MORE FUCKING DIFFICULT. Aaargh. I had an awful time in biology, it was hell...

Good news, that Abraham guy you are blarghing, thanks to the alphabet, will be sitting next to you in class, be your lab partner, and also the only reason you get a B in that class, which becomes very clear to you when you take CHM 109 in college and get a D. So quit blarghing Abraham. Yeah, he was a "preppy," but really, he's not that bad.

2nd Hour. Honors English. (People list), some new kids, and a shitload of preps. Jack, Kathryn, June (semi), TOO MANY PREPS!...I feel alienated. If she gives us a seating chart, THAT will be hell.

3rd Hour. F.S.T. (People list), some preppy juniors ( :( ), blah blah. The teacher rocks! I don't know.. indifference.

4th Hour. Spanish. Jackie.. semi-prep bitches, mostly, a couple of intriguing guys whose music tastes I would enjoy finding out/converting, I'm not sure about the teacher yet...

High school self -- okay, why do you hate "preppies" so much?! Don't worry, you will try so hard with your passion for Fred to suck up to all of them, that your journal entries will become far less laden with complaining about "preppy bitches" in all of your classes. And guys whose music tastes you would enjoy finding out?! What? Is that some kind of... classification? I don't understand you, high school self, and I used to BE you. Also, the teacher is so awesome, you're Facebook friends with her in 2009. So quit being so whiny.

5th Hour [Journalism]. Gotta get it switched.. hmm. I don't think I'm missing anything, no cute guys. Mr. Polish to Jason: "Are you the artist?" Heh heh.. I need to get it switched, dammit. I was planning on getting it switched to Psych.. Laura's class, and FRED's in it! Of course, Fred said he'd get it switched, but I don't know if he did it yet.

6th Hour . Journalism 2. Same old people, plus Jerome. Hmmm...

7th Hour Social Studies. Jackie, lots of lame people.. Looks like a really lame class. No clock! I won't be able to stand it!

Other musings: Adam's hair is black, and he was wearing a TOOL shirt. He almost fulfilled my prophecy: "You'll come back to school with bleached hair, a tattoo, piercings, and a NOFX shirt."

Um, yes, Tool, just like NOFX. Also, High school self, I already told you, he's a country boy now, so this whole point is moot.

I HATE EDNA. She was wearing a slutty shirt. Stupid bitch. I suppose I should fill up this page so she doesn't see me calling her a FUCKING BITCH! Aaargh... Oh, yes, I saw Malena's brother! Alternative, just like her. I should find.. lost train of thought.

1st - 1st Floor - Physics
2nd - 2nd Floor - English
3rd - 3rd Floor - Seminar
4th - 3rd Floor - FST
5th - Psych - 2nd Lunch
6th - 1st Floor - Science Room - Marketing (Business)
7th - 3rd Floor - French III

Dear high school self,
SPOILER ALERT! You end up flipping around your schedule by going to the counseling center and saying your current schedule makes you "depressed" just so that you can get into Pscyhology class with Fred. You are such a creep, by the way. Okay, I'll cut you a little slack, you were only supposed to be in Journalism 2 and never Journalism 1, so you DID need to transfer out of that class.. but then you switched into FST with Fred's class too. That schedule above? For a second rereading it, I thought that it was what you hoped to change your schedule into, but it was obviously Fred's schedule since you would never, ever, ever take Physics. Wait, I remember now, you switch into Psych very early on, but THEN later on in the SEMESTER you say you're depressed and switch around your entire schedule, so I take back what I said about cutting you some slack.

Also, you wrote some creepy ass phone numbers after this entry. I KNOW what those are... you weirdass. And are those social security numbers?! You know what, high school self? I'm not going to ask. I think I'm better off not knowing.

And quit being so hard on Edna. When your college roommate's best friend Mia from high school joins a sorority with her and they become best friends, and Mia asks Edna if she knows you, she says, "Oh, yeah, she was nice.. weird, but nice." I mean, come on. You WERE weird, and you deserved that, and she still mentioned that you were nice! And you'll even be friends on Facebook, and you'll run into her at the mall of the new hometown you both share, and it will only be sort of awkward when you say hi.

Future Self

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