Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 2, 1999

9:03 p.m. Yay, My period started. Party fun time. I attempted to lay off fat foods (hamburgers, cream cheese) and traded them in for also-fat-but-not-QUITE-as-bad dishes like crispy chicken and subs. Of course, just think if I get REALLY bad cramps tonight, I ultimately don't have to go to school tomorrow! But I hope I don't because I DO want to go to school tomorrow (and besides, cramps suck royally).

Hmm, so let's real exam... not a whole lot to say. I got a picture of Brian* and Dave*, we watched "A Bug's Life," the class was over. I saw Brendon* and Fred* both for brief moments before 6th hour, and Fred passed me in the hall. I can't even remember what pants he was wearing! I think they were khakis, but that's what he was wearing YESTERDAY, so maybe I'm just confused, but hey, he DOES have the tendency to wear pants frequently, as in within a week.. I missed him on the way out, despite my leaving early, but I did catch Brendon waiting outside. I really hope Brendon decides to show up tomorrow, but I can certainly see it going either way. I mean, I didn't think he'd so much as be here TODAY, but hmmm...

After school, I went to Grandma's and then the library, where I discovered that the Verve Pipe is doing shows on JULY 30TH AND 31ST which are like only TWO DAYS before the MIPA conference! Oh well, I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG!!! URGH! But I might be hanging out with Baron Stambula on Saturday, which should be pretty cool.. as long as my period isn't excessively heavy...

The backs of my calves are VERY sore. As in I can barely WALK sore.. hopefully they'll be morning .. watch. I'll wake up tomorrow morning feeling like absolute and total shit; I can feel it already...grunt. I STILL want to get a pic of Fred. I wrote "with" and I wonder if that was a Freudian slip...

Tomorrow is breakfast with the seminar gang as well as hanging w/ Lauren in the afternoon..but hopefully this workout thing will decrease my regular menstrual pain and help me with my period! If it doesn't I'll still have fucking sore legs eh? WHATEVER HAPPENED to my starburst?

Dear high school self,
Hey dumbass, fried chicken is probably worse for you than hamburgers.

Also, in the future you'll get on birth control and quit bitching so much about your periods. But it's okay, I don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die.
With love,
Future self

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